Courage vs. Denial

Courage is the light side of denial.  It takes courage and honesty to look at the difficult patterns of your own behavior and even more courage to go into action to correct your course. Denial is like “sticking your head in the sand” and results in stagnation. We must...

Authenticity vs. Self Importance

Authenticity is the light side of Self Importance, a false sense of self. Authenticity is demonstrated when your thoughts, actions and your words are congruent. You do what you say and say what you mean. This results in a reflection of integrity and self esteem. You...

Powerful Partnering: Support vs. Suspicion

Clarity Attention Guide for Powerful Partnering: Support vs. Suspicion The primary guiding question is: What is the energy I contribute to partnership? The Transition Line on this guide has Anger as the transitional experience. Anger is a powerful catalyst for...

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