by Gary | Apr 16, 2018 | Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Thoughts, Clarity in Life, Energy Field, Intention, Uncategorized
Recently, I read that a woman in Mesa, AZ ran over her husband with their SUV because he didn’t vote on November 6th. She chased him through a parking lot because she was enraged about the election results. See what can happen in your personal life, if you allow the...
by Gary | Feb 26, 2018 | Above the Line, Align Your Actions, Clarity in Life, Intention, Uncategorized
• ROSE IS ROSE © 2012 Pat Brandy and Don Wimmer. Reprinted by permission of Universal Uclick for UFS. All rights reserved. I love reading the comics every day; not only for the humor but also for a reminder of life lessons. Since I limit my immature, angry outbursts...
by Gary | Feb 19, 2018 | Above the Line, Clarity in Life, Intention, Rapid Discovery, Uncategorized
I get a lesson in excitement every morning walking the dogs with Cathy. “What a beautiful Colorado morning.” “Oh, smell those lilacs.” “Those orange poppies are gorgeous.” The noticing changes depending on the weather; however, it is an everyday lesson in positive...
by Gary | Jun 8, 2015 | Clarity Words
Chaordic is the light side of agreement. Chaos is the prelude to positive change and it precedes order. Chaordic implies relatedness, and the connection of seemingly random patterns into a system that is holistic. It is constructive. In agreement or group think,...
by Gary | Nov 3, 2014 | Above the Line, Clarity in Life, Gratitude
This has always been a troubling phrase for me. While I believe this is sometimes true, it’s the lack of clarity about the reason that troubles me. For example, one year ago two expensive bikes and a few other items were stolen from our garage. Realizing the romance...