Effortlessness vs. Overdoing

Effortlessness is the light side of overdoing. When you choose lights-on activities, there is no feeling of overdoing. Instead, you experience flow. You will notice things fall into place with ease. Synchronicity happens. The right people, events and actions appear....

Curiosity vs. Resistance

Curiosity is the light side of resistance. Curiosity as an energetic force explores the field of all possibilities, asks questions, and seeks answers which empower and direct choices.  It is a key factor contributing to creativity and flow. Resistance slows the flow...

Values Based versus Superficiality

Values based is the light side of superficiality.  Values based organizations have a deeply embedded understanding of what is important to them, and what they are willing to stand for. Superficiality appears on the surface to be value driven, but functions like...

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