Authenticity vs. Self Importance

Authenticity is the light side of Self Importance, a false sense of self. Authenticity is demonstrated when your thoughts, actions and your words are congruent. You do what you say and say what you mean. This results in a reflection of integrity and self esteem. You...

Curiosity vs. Resistance

Curiosity is the light side of resistance. Curiosity as an energetic force explores the field of all possibilities, asks questions, and seeks answers which empower and direct choices.  It is a key factor contributing to creativity and flow. Resistance slows the flow...

Integrity versus Division

Integrity is the light side of division.  Integrity means that all actions align with personal and organizational vision, like the saying: “walking your talk” or “what you see is what you get.” Integrity results in purposeful behaviors and a spirit of togetherness. ...

Intention versus Ambiguity

Intention is the light side of ambiguity.  Intention is clear and understandable. The result of intentionality is a spirit of trust. Ambiguity is unclear. The result of ambiguity is a lack of trust. He who climbs a cliff may die on the cliff, so what? Always a...

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