What is the State of My Mind, Body and Spirit?

by | Oct 12, 2010 | Uncategorized

Again, the intention of this part of the check-in is for you to live in high noticing and in distinction by seeing the clear separation of your mind, body and spirit.

It is common for each of us to describe our personal field by referencing only one of these areas. For example, “I woke up with a headache, and my whole day is ruined”. When actually doing the check on all areas will show that the headache is in your body, but your mind may be busy and alert, and your spirit may be light and energized. Separating your referencing of these three areas will help you live each day in distinction.

It’s important to note that your spirit can only be positive. Spirit is never negative. Words like happy, joyful, expansive, light, soaring, calm, peaceful and creative are words to describe the state of spirit.

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