ambition-428983_1280The last step in the check-in helps you focus your day and ultimately create the business and life you strive for.  Setting a daily intention is powerful and as with all repetitive habits, enforces manifestation of the future you design.

Intention statements can begin with “I intend to….” and include mini-steps and bridge plans towards your end goal.  Not only do these statements refocus and remind you where you’re going, they can help bring awareness of improvements, items you’d like to work on, talents to build upon.  Look over the list below to begin inspiration, then tailor your daily intentions towards yourself and your business.

– “Today I intend to directly communicate with Sarah my goals for this project.”

– “My intention today is to have fun and find amusement while I make cold calls.”

– “Today will find me completing my business plan with a smile on my face.”

– “I intend to organize and de-clutter my paperwork.”

– “I will start this day with three good ideas to present to my client.”

– “This day I intend to be relaxed as I give my presentation and exude confidence  as I answer questions.”

– “My intention this day is to earn $300 and know my services are valuable.”