In our newest booklet entitled, Shift, a companion the popular 2011 book Get Clarity The Lights-On Guide to Manifesting Success in Life and Work, we guide readers through an above-the-line course that encourages and supports positive thinking as their main operational mode.  Shift gets into the scientific specifics behind the vibrational power of words.

The Human Operating System, or HOS, functions through a feedback cycle of thought that transmits to feeling, sensation, and reality.  Shift aims to help each reader become master programmers of their own HOS system.  Every word contains a level of megahertz that either supports a lights-on life or drains and distracts from living in passion.  You can master the tools and mechanisms behind staying lights-on by using Shift in tandem with Get Clarity The Lights-On Guide to Manifesting Success in Life and Work.

Because our thoughts extend beyond us into thought fields, harnessing the power of these thoughts is paramount.  Even in the face of adversity and negativity coming at us from both the distant field and the near field, we can hold our ground and keep our own feedback loop above-the-line.

Stay tuned to our website for more information on Shift.