Powerful Partnering Retreat for Business Partners


From Power Struggles to Co-Creative Adventures

Do you sometimes feel your partnership is disconnected – two people going in different directions? Do you wonder if your individual visions for what can be are totally different – incompatible? Is there an underlying, unproductive lack of trust? Can you imagine a working relationship that is always energetic and effortless – without drama?

Transforming the way you work together. It is all about creating powerful movement to the next level of shared vision, trust and achievement.

Our clients say that the results are like coming home to themselves and each other with a deep inner knowing of what they want for the partnership and the business – with the tools to make it happen every day, every month and every year thereafter.

Can you really see each other’s lights-on energy and passion? Yes, it is a pure energy that radiates, seeing past history and stories. It is high level noticing. It is the distinguishing feature of powerful partners and highly actualized people. Clarity captures the radiance on camera, stopping time so that you can see each other clearly. The transformation that occurs in this process is so obvious that you will see each other change as you watch. Then you are taught the tools and strategies to take this awareness into your daily life, and create a way of being with each other that is powerful and very effective.

The one day Powerful Partnering experience includes individual Clarity interviews where each of you discovers and sees clearly your individual visions for the business. You will then, together, create a shared vision – one that will guide your actions and communications going forward.

We will also be teaching you the Clarity process and tools so the daily communication and behaviors are always conducted to support the achievement of both the individual visions and the shared vision. In the follow-up coaching sessions we will help you deepen the understandings and sharpen your ability to use the tools effectively.

Can we both truly get everything we want as individuals and share a vibrant vision? Yes, it is possible to embrace paradox and reject compromise; to co-create with vibrancy; to work in a vision-led business with a trusted, supportive and supported partner. These are exciting times as our culture leaves the old survival partnering and moves into the new thrival partnering paradigm. In this paradigm of secure abundance, each of you can focus energy and resources towards self actualization rather than self preservation. The shared vision that emerges from this process is so enlivening, that you will build your business together with heightened awareness, and have the tools to make it effective in your daily actions.

We guarantee this day together will powerfully change the way in which you relate to each other, and how you conduct and grow your business together.

The investment in co-creating a vision-led, thriving partnership is $3,500.

For this investment you will receive:

  • One day of intensive training to discover individual & shared visions & begin a more effective way of working together.
  • Four follow-up coaching sessions to keep you on track and in action to continue co-creating the working relationship.
  • A solid understanding of the Clarity process to create a way of being that enlivens all your working relationships.
  • On-going access to Clarity coaches.
  • A lifetime connection to the larger Clarity community to help support your vision & intentions.

If you absolutely knew that spending $3,500 will produce a more effective working environment, and create the magnificent business you want, isn’t it worth the investment? What we can say is that for over fifteen years the Clarity training and principles have worked for every person, every time.

To schedule your Powerful Partnering in Work session or to find out more:
Call 303-388-7507; email garyhawk@getclarity.com

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