Much of the Clarity focus and main message remains steady.  Living above the line in thoughts, words, and actions changes our clients’ lives.  In the Get Clarity for Life and Work retreat, we help clients identify their shadow behavior and give them resources to bring it back into the light.  Living Lights On!  Remaining in the light comes with many benefits for both careers and the workplace.

Improved Relations  Between management, coworkers, and clients, relations can become stronger and more productive when all involved surf the positive waves of energy.  Trust increases and support solidifies.  Even disagreements can be ironed out smoothly when everyone cares enough to stay above the line in how they communicate and relate to one another.

Better Health   Both emotional health and physical health shine when the workplace is a positive one.  Reductions in stress, illness, and apathy are notably present.

Infectious  A genuine positive outlook spreads in an instant.  Focus on the desired outcome in the spirit of support, celebration, and camaraderie. Business owners, managers, team leaders, and strong coworkers know the effects of participating in a negative conversation, blame, or in unproductive gossip.  The energy level goes immediately down.  Therefore, becoming a bastion of positive outlook is essential for a progressive business model.

Better Business  Others are drawn to positive people like a magnet.  Building a career and workplace conducive to posivity attracts both talented employees and clients.  Because trust and support come from the light and are above the line, stronger loyalties and bonds coalesce.  Good employee retention and profits ensue. Only good comes from building and maintaining an environment filled with light.