Intellectually, we know the river’s journey and see what’s ahead, yet sometimes the acceleration pedal gets stuck.   Even with Clarity enthusiasm pulsating through our veins, we can fall into an eddy and feel like nothing is going right.  Our newest book endeavor, Get Clarity; The Lights-On Guide to Manifesting Success in Life and Work, highlights Clarity in action; personal stories from actual clients living their vision while using Get Clarity strategies.  Virginia is one such client who found acceleration and rode the wave into success.

Virginia’s acceleration ride began shortly after her lights turned on for Pilates.  Soon after her first Pilates session, Virginia realized it was her calling.  She made a plan to leave the corporate world and open her own studio after obtaining her instructor certification.   Today, she successful runs her business filled with like-minded lovers of Pilates.

Virginia kept her eye on the vision and didn’t allow worry to overtake the journey.  Her success came from living in the present moment, while keeping a clear intention for the end result.